Saturday morning Rick got up early and finished the paint before I left for work. He and the kids went out to his dads to get the go-kart and I picked up tires on my way home for it. Rick finished getting it all together and scaled it Saturday night.
This morning Rick and Kaity got up and headed to the track for the first practice session. Trace and I left here around 10 to go watch. Kaity's kart is the same as last year but Rick got a few new parts for it, of course LIGHTER parts which is supposed to = faster. She had a great first practice, just a little shy of being as fast as she was at her fastest last season. Rick always considers success with her telling her something and then watching her actually LISTEN and follow directions. She listened and did what he asked and low and behold, went fast. It is pretty entertaining to watch 5, 6 and 7 year olds in these little karts going over 30 mph. She has a few more sessions of practice but it looks like she should have a great season! And we couldn't have asked for a nicer day to be outside.
Crew Chief and driver having a little sit-down....
It's all business when the helmet goes on...
Kaitlyn is on the right, getting ready to make the pass...
After practice Rick ran into town. He went by the pool store and picked up some lights and then ran to Home Depot. He got his bench built in the garage and got all the floor trim up. He is hoping by the weekend to have all the lights up and be putting everything where it will permantely go.
We found out on Friday that one of the hot tub business' was closing their doors. That makes for 5 stores since Sept. in the Tri-Cities to close. Being a business owner it is so hard to see someone have to lose what they work so hard to have. I know how difficult it is and the hours and attention it takes. But from a business stand point a few of those closing have meant a huge increase in business for us. The one that closed this weekend was a good customer to us also and we had a very good relationship with them in referring back and forth. On Saturday we had 3 customers come in that had been told to come to us that went to this particular store previously. And we have picked up a large # of customers from our big competitor that closed in the fall. It is looking to be a good year, January and February sales were the biggest we have ever had but a lot so cross your fingers that the rest of the year follows suit! Freight is rolling in and with the weather as nice as its been, pools will start opening soon. Let the fun begin!
Well its time for me to head to bed. I hope everyone had a nice weekend and had a chance to recharge for Monday!
1 comment:
I love the picture of Kaitlyn in her helmet. She looks like she is heavily thinking of her strategies. What an awesome and fun activity for her!
That is great news for your business. I'm sure you will be very busy indeed! My fingers are crossed!
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