Sunday, January 27, 2008


Oh my gosh it is snowing!! I can't remember the last time it snowed this much and this hard. I just went out to the front yard and measured and we have 8 inches so far and it is still coming down. The worst part though is the sheet of ice that is under all this snow. Rick is still at work, they have repaired 4 trucks so far but it looks like he will have to stay for a while because they are having so many problems they want to keep a mechanic out there. I don't know how he will make it home anyways in his little car with 4 bald tires... he is crazy.

Here are the kids out at Jeremy and Nicole's playing in the snow:

Trace is "attempting" to take a nap. Kaitlyn stayed at J and N's to play with the girls. We are hoping Rick will be home this evening and we can met at the stadium and sled for a while. Trace's school has already cancelled for tomorrow and I would expect Kaitlyn's will follow suit. I can usually see the freeway from my front living room but it is snowing so hard I can't. When Rick went up earlier he said they hadn't even touched the freeway yet. I would imagine it has been "touched" by now but probably isn't good.
Well out to try to shovel a path to the road....


tharker said...


Your kids look like they had a great day!

Becky ♥ said...

Cute pics! You guys got a ton of snow, I dont know how you guys live in this!! Way too cold for me, hopefully I will be heading over to the other side of the mountains soon, but I hear it's not much better over there :(

Heather said...

One hardly even needs a sweatshirt here today =) I DO NOT miss the snow! It looks like you guys are making the best of it though. Have fun and say safe!